How To Extend The Life Of A Septic Tank

Own a septic tank? You probably want to make sure the tank lasts as long as possible. Here are some tips that will keep the unit in great shape.

Don't Pour Grease Down Your Drain

You'll need to be extra careful when it comes to disposing of grease in your home. You may be tempted to pour it directly down the drain, but this can damage your pipes and septic tank. You will want to pour the leftover grease from a pan into an empty container and then pitch it into the trash once it has cooled down. Many homeowners use old coffee cans to hold on to that extra grease.

The problem with grease is that it will not break down like other waste in a septic tank. The grease also has the potential to clog pipes going in and out of your septic tank, which will require professional help to repair.

Don't Dump Coffee Grounds Down Your Drain

Another items that can cause a lot of problems with a septic tank is coffee grounds. This innocent looking food waste also has problems with decomposing in a septic tank. The result is that it causes solid waste to collect rather than naturally break down and leave the tank. Coffee grounds are another item that should go into the trash can or a compost pile.

Avoid Installing A Garbage Disposal

One handy household appliance to own is a garbage disposal. You wash your food down into a canister, an a metal blade grinds the food up before it travels down your drain. Unfortunately, this is an appliance that works better with city plumbing rather than a septic tank.

All those scraps of meat, bones, and other food waste should go into the trash or a compost pile when appropriate. While they are safe to throw down a drain, they will cause the tank to fill up prematurely. You'll end up needing to get frequent pumping that would otherwise be put off until a later date.

Use Natural Cleaning Solutions

Chemicals that are designed to kill bacteria can actually be bad for a septic tank. Your septic tank must have bacteria to function, and without it the tank will not be able to eventually break down the waste. Any cleaning solutions that claim to have antibacterial properties should not be used if they go down the drain. Switch to natural cleaning solutions that use less chemicals and rely on cornstarch, vinegar, or baking powder to clean.

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About Me

Keeping Your Septic System Clean and Tidy

Last Thanksgiving, the worst thing in the world happened. Our sinks and toilets started spewing raw sewage into our house because of an overloaded septic tank. It was devastating, and I didn't know what to do. Fortunately, we were able to find a professional plumber who was willing to come out right away to help us to fix the problem. After having that experience, I decided to make septic care a priority. I started having the tank pumped when I should, and I always pay attention to bad smells coming from my drains. This blog is here to help you to avoid septic problems too.