Fighting The Spread Of Germs In Schools: Three Best Practices To Consider

Schools can be an easy place for germs to spread, particularly during cold and flu season. Providing the right equipment and putting the right precautions in place can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe throughout the year. Here are some practices you can put into place to help prevent the spread of germs in your school building.

Portable Hand Washing Stations

Washing hands frequently is a simple and effective way to help prevent the spread of germs. Unfortunately, some schools may not have enough sinks to make this practice practical throughout the school day. Instead of relying solely on the sinks in bathrooms, consider adding portable hand washing stations strategically in the hallways of your school. The gym and cafeteria are two places where many students gather, so consider placing several stations outside of the doors for these two spaces. Single hand wash stations evenly spaced down hallways can make it easy for students and teachers to wash up before walking into class. You may also want to consider adding a few to the exterior entrances of the building so everyone starts the school day with clean hands. Be sure that the stations you choose feature foot pedals to prevent hands from touching surfaces.

Hand Sanitizer Dispensers

Hand sanitizer dispensers in each classroom provide a practical way to help kill germs while classes are in session. This option is ideal for classrooms where students might share materials, such as science labs, computer labs, and library facilities. Work with your district to ensure any sanitizer you purchase is safe for use on gentle skin to help prevent irritation. You may need to have parents sign permission slips for this sanitizing solution, so be sure to work with the administration to ensure compliance before adding the dispensers to each classroom.

Disposable Mask And Glove Stations

Masks can help prevent the spread of viruses through the air. Even if your school does not have a mask mandate, making this type of personal protective equipment gives teachers and students a way to feel more safe and secure while in class. Disposable gloves can be a great option for teachers who might be touching shared surfaces frequently throughout the day. Consider adding separate bio-hazard waste bins to each room in the building to ensure safe disposal of these items when students and staff are done using them. If you make gloves available for students, be sure to educate them on how to properly use gloves to prevent the spread of germs.

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Keeping Your Septic System Clean and Tidy

Last Thanksgiving, the worst thing in the world happened. Our sinks and toilets started spewing raw sewage into our house because of an overloaded septic tank. It was devastating, and I didn't know what to do. Fortunately, we were able to find a professional plumber who was willing to come out right away to help us to fix the problem. After having that experience, I decided to make septic care a priority. I started having the tank pumped when I should, and I always pay attention to bad smells coming from my drains. This blog is here to help you to avoid septic problems too.