When Is The Time For Septic Pump Services?

Septic pump services are part of having a system at your house. Knowing when the time has come to call a septic services contractor to schedule pumping is also part of the deal. Follow this guide to determine when to schedule septic services

Regular Pumping

Even if the system never has a problem, you should schedule regular pumping. The EPA recommends that homeowners pump their septic tanks once every three to five years if the systems are working properly. You can ask a contractor to check the size of the tank to determine what the pumping frequency should be for your place.

Wet Soil or Robust Grass Growth

If the septic tank has problems, it could overflow in the drain field. A small amount of this happens during normal operations. However, a plugged or slow-draining system could overflow all of the time.

The waste from the septic system will soften the ground. This can trigger swampy conditions in and around the drain field. Also, the waste could serve as fertilizer and promote noticeable plant growth. Oftentimes, you'll see a circle around the drain field that marks where the overflow is occurring.

Growth in Household Size

If your household has grown, then the septic tank may no longer match your needs. You probably aren't going to replace it right away just because you got married or had a kid, though. You will need to arrange septic pump services more often to account for the additional usage.

High Usage

Generally high usage also may lead to more pumping. If you just took a dirtier job that calls for cleaning more work clothes, for example, then you may need to arrange more frequent septic pump services.

Poor Draining

Even if no other factors are present that suggest a problem, poor draining is always concerning. You might see sewer backups, especially during wet weather. The showers, sinks, and toilets make take longer to drain.

You should verify that the issue isn't with the plumbing, first. Once you've ruled out other problems, ask a contractor to pump the septic tank.

Odors or Noises

A clog in the system doesn't always immediately affect its operation. Instead, you might catch occasional smells of sewage. Gurgling noises might also occur. These can happen indoors because clogs can push pressure through the pipes. Also, odors can happen outdoors if the scent comes up from the drain field or even a compromised pipe.

About Me

Keeping Your Septic System Clean and Tidy

Last Thanksgiving, the worst thing in the world happened. Our sinks and toilets started spewing raw sewage into our house because of an overloaded septic tank. It was devastating, and I didn't know what to do. Fortunately, we were able to find a professional plumber who was willing to come out right away to help us to fix the problem. After having that experience, I decided to make septic care a priority. I started having the tank pumped when I should, and I always pay attention to bad smells coming from my drains. This blog is here to help you to avoid septic problems too.